Dear Editor,
My name is Ilsa McManus.. A few weeks ago in your march 20 to 26 issue, you
published my article about my great medical experience in P.V...thank you !
I would love to have this article published in some of the major Papers in
the US, to let millions of people read it...the word needs to get out... Is
that possible ??? If yes, could you please advice me how !!! I would greatly
appreciate it...
Thank you in advance,
Ilsa McManus
Hello again Ilsa,
You can start with a blog of your own. I´m not sure if anybody in the U.S.
would be interested in printing your story, I suggest contacting editors the same way you contacted me. Unfortunately “bad news” is good news since it’s all about ranking, rating and readership. Most of the information we´re being “fed” unfortunately is not only edited but also censored as it may or may not be deemed “newsworthy” or in the interest of Homeland Security, perfect example is Wikileaks.
Dear Editor,
This is Ilsa McManus again.. I have another question ? In the same march 20 to 26 issue, there is another article written by Departing Dick, ( Almost time to go Home ) Could you PLEASE get his permission for me to also put that article in the US news papers ???
People in the US need to be educated about the “ real “ truth “... The American media is giving false reports about the war on drugs.. I personally know a lot of people that will never come to Mexico because of that...what a pity.. If I can do anything to get the word out, to stop this nonsense I makes me so angry, because no one is mentioning all the good... I’ve been coming to P.V for 12 years and NEVER had or heard of any problems.. I feel much saver here then I do in most US cities, and so does everybody else I meet...
Maybe you can again advice me what my resources are ??? Please help if you can !!!
I would greatly appreciate your reply,
Thank you,
Hello Ilsa,
I sent an e-mail to Departing Dick on your behalf. As soon as I get his ok, I´ll let you know. Thank you for your positive input.
Hi New Editor
Please would you consider reading one of Allen Hynek, or should I say Toots Gabriel letters that he puts together quite often for all of his friends near and far. He is also a great poet. Allen and his wife Hyke have built a beautiful Casa in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle. They love this part of the world, and Allen really sees things differently, he is a great writer.
He would be a fantastic addition to your Tribune, which we all read cover to cover every week. Please consider him as he has a lot to offer.
Thanks so much
Helen and Dave Beally
Hello Helen and Dave,
Thank you very kindly. You will find it in this week´s issue.
We will be in PV for our annual visit during the NBA playoffs. Is it possible to post the playoff schedules including the TV channels that will be showing the games? We know the games can be seen at the local sports bars, but it would be nice to have the option to watch the game at home. Also, for us visitors, can you post where and when Catholic Mass is celebrated on Saturday and Sunday? Looking forward to our time in beautiful Vallarta.
Thank you.
Roger and Judi Rohrdanz
Huntington Beach, CA
Hello Roger and Judi,
We will post both the playoff schedule and Catholic Mass in next week´s issue. FYI, most churches have a 6pm Saturday and Sunday 10 am Mass.
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